Episode 65 – Keep Buggering On!

Episodes discussed: Buffy 4×4 Fear, Itself and Doctor Who 5×3 Victory of the Daleks

Fear, Itself

Written by David Fury; Directed by Tucker Gates

The Scooby Gang’s worst fears become manifest in a Halloween haunted house. Discussion points include:

  • Comparisons with Harry Potter
  • Millennial anxiety and paranoia
  • Buffy’s “post-Parker depression” and fear of abandonment
  • Willow’s magical worries and Oz’s loss of control
  • Xander the average townie
  • Anya’s leporiphobia and concern for Xander
Victory of the Daleks

Written by Mark Gatiss; Directed by Andrew Gunn

It’s World War II London during the Blitz, and Winston Churchill has teamed up with some unlikely allies. Discussion points include:

  • Winston Spencer Churchill
  • The monkey wrench vs. the jammie dodger
  • The Doctor and Amy’s different perspectives on pain and life
  • Amy gets left behind
  • Missing memories and wibbly timelines
  • iDaleks

Next time:  Angel 1×4 I Fall to Pieces and Doctor Who 5×4 The Time of Angels.

About Katherine Sas

Graduate of Messiah University and Signum University with degrees in literature. I'm a student of imaginative and speculative literature, TV, and film, particularly Tolkien and the Inklings, Doctor Who, and fairy tales.

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