Episode 18 – Someone’s Not Seeing Me

Episodes discussed: Doctor Who 2×3 School Reunionand Buffy 2×5 Reptile Boy

School Reunion

Written by Toby Whithouse; Directed by James Hawes

The Doctor runs into an old companion while he, Rose and Mickey investigation strange goings-on in a London school.  Discussion points include:

  • Mr. Finch: A Buffy/Who crossover!
  • The beloved Sarah Jane Smith
  • Life imitating art and meta-fiction
  • “Pain and loss, they define us as much as happiness or love”
  • Rose’s disillusionment and Mickey’s epiphany
  • The Doctor’s morality and loneliness
Reptile Boy

Written and directed by David Greenwalt

Buffy attends a college party with Cordelia in an attempt to let her hair down, and finds that the frat boys have more than partying on their minds.  Discussion Points Include:

  • Maturity vs. immaturity
  • Adult themes
  • Fraternities and cults
  • Snake = penis
  • Xander’s niceness and Buffy’s responsibility
  • Buffy and Angel’s back-and-forth relationship

Next time: Buffy 2×6 Halloween and Doctor Who 2×4 The Girl in the Fireplace.

About Katherine Sas

Graduate of Messiah University and Signum University with degrees in literature. I'm a student of imaginative and speculative literature, TV, and film, particularly Tolkien and the Inklings, Doctor Who, and fairy tales.

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